Calibration and verification of large-scale 2D/3D flow models : phase 1

Describes the set-up, calibration and verification of the large-scale hydrodynamic models to be used in the first phase of the hydrodynamics and morfology project. Chapter two of this report gives detailed specifications for the used models in this study. Chapter three deals with the analysis of available data, in relation to the necessary calibration and verification. In chapter four the set-up of a fine-grid and a coarse-grid model are descibed. Chapter five carries out a extensive calibration both for the fine-grid and the coarse-grid model. In chapter six the verification of the model's ability to represent the response of the residual currents and salinity patterns to varying Rhine discharges and wind stresses are deschribed. Chapter seven describes and compares the results of a simulation survey on the Noordwijk profile and a 3D Northsea-wide dataset (the UK NERC dataset). The descirption of basic data, model inputs and outputs is presented in chapter eight and the conclusions and recommendations are given in chapter nine.

Datum rapport
1 januari 2001
Kaaij, T. v.d., Roelvink, J.A., Ruessink, B.G.
J.A. Roelvink, T. van der Kaaij, B.G. Ruessink...[et al.]; WL Delft Hydraulics
version 2
56 p. [106 p.] 
bijl., ill.
Parcel 2, subproduct 2
By order of Programmabureau Flyland, project Kust- en Zeestudies ONL, mariene Ecologie en Morfologie
The MARE project groups consist of the following members: DHV Milieu en Infrastructuur ; WL Delft Hydraulics, Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ) ; Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek (RIVO-DLO) ; ALTERRA ; TNO
Dutch title: rapport grootschalig 2D/3D waterbeweging 
With ref.