The dikes of the polders in the IJsselmeer

Since the circumstances on the IJsselmeer will change by the reclamation works, observations on the present lake cannot directly be used for the determination of the cross sections of the dikes protecting the reclaimed land. The method of obtaining, the necessary data (water level, wave attack) is discussed, as well as the determination of the design level. A reasoned description is given of a typical cross section of a polderdike.

Datum rapport
1 januari 1960
M. Klasema, C.H. de Jong; [Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Rijkswaterstaat], Service of the Zuiderzeeworks = Dienst der Zuiderzeewerken
Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Directie Zuiderzeewerken (RWS, ZZW).
7 p.
app., fig.
Contribution for the proceedings of the VII th. Coastal Engineering Conference, The Hague 1960. - With ref.