Experimental study of membrane fatigue response for asphalt multisurfacing systems on orthotropic steel deck bridges

In order to adequately characterize the fatigue response of the various membranes with 41 surrounding multilayer surfacing layers on orthotropic steel decks and collect the necessary 42 parameters for FE modeling, the details of the cyclic Membrane Adhesion Tester (MAT) are 43 introduced. The fatigue damage in membrane interface is related to the amount of dissipated work 44 computed by using the measurement of actuator load and piston deformation during the loading cycle. 45 The dissipated work, which is equivalent to the lost part of the total potential energy of the membrane, 46 has been utilized to explain the incremental damage during the testing. Furthermore, using the 47 experimental data obtained from MAT, ranking of the bonding characteristics of various membrane 48 products is demonstrated as well as the role of other influencing factors, such as the types of substrate 49 and test temperatures.

Datum rapport
1 januari 2014
Hofman, R., Liu, X., Scarpas, A., Tzimiris, G., Voskuilen, J.
J. Voskuilen, R. Hofman ; Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart (RWS, DVS); X. Liu, G. Tzimiris, A. Scarpas ; TU Delft
14 p.
Paper TRB Washington 2014 Annual Meeting