Milestone 4 - Common set of upgraded specifications for hybrid communication : specifications for IF2 for hybrid communication version 2.1

Datum rapport
22 januari 2019
Esposito, M.C., Fouchal, H., Labiod, H., Latte, J., Lewyllie, P., Lunnon, C., Matthews, E., Passchier, I., Sambeek, M. van, Spaanderman, P., Warren, P.
InterCor Consortium. Research done by TASS International, PaulsConsultancy, TNO, TASS International, MOW Vlaanderen, DGTIM, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Highways England, WSP and Telecom Paristech. Research commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat. ...
Grant Agreement No: INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2015/1143833 Action No: 2015-EU-TM-0159-S