Proposal assessment framework : OSPAR candidate indicator ambient underwater sound

OSPAR ICG-Noise is tasked with preparing a Candidate Indicator specification for ambient sound sources, in time for approval at the next EIHA1 meeting. The concept proposal sheet is available and discussed in the last meeting. However, it contains several subjects to be determined. This report addresses the gaps in the assessment method for ambient sound and suggestions for further refinement or references to other documents or projects. The proposed steps and metrics are defined to be used for two goals:
• OSPAR quality statement report in 2023, and
• EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) progress of Good Environmental Status (GES) of descriptor D11C2 (continuous noise).
The ambient sound indicator is intended to describe or assess the state of the environment. Bear in mind that other metrics may be necessary when used in other type of assessments, e.g. for D11C1 (impulsive noise).

Datum rapport
25 november 2020
Barbé, D., Kwakkel, J., Oostveen, M. van
Royal HaskoningDHV. In opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat.
Reference BH2849WATRP2011251151