Ringtoets requirements and design

Ringtoets is the provisional name of new software for the compulsory safety assessment of the primary Dutch flood defences (dike rings). Ringtoets will support the new Dutch regulations, called VTV-2017 (Voorschriften Toetsen op Veiligheid). These regulations will introduce a new assessment level, based on the failure probability of a dike ring. The probabilistic method required for this purpose will also be used to calculate characteristic water levels, to calculate characteristic overtopping levels, and to calibrate the required safety factor for a traditional deterministic assessment, per dike section and failure mechanism. Version 1.1 of this document contains the final specification of the functional and non-functional requirements for Ringtoets, together with a third draft of the functional design and a second draft of the technical design. The content is based on input and response from an advisory group, consisting of the representatives from regional water authorities and consultants. The introduction and requirements are contained in chapter 1 to 3.
Chapter 1 describes the context and background.
Chapter 2 describes the scope and the tentatively supported workflow.
Chapter 3 lists the functional and non-functional requirements, including priority indications. The Waterdienst has formally approved the final content of these chapters in April 2012. This content is therefore closed for further discussion since version 1.0.
Chapter 4 (Functionel Design) translates the workflow and requirements to so-called use-cases, describing the interaction between the user and Ringtoets, during different workflow steps. Chapter 5 (Technical Design) translates the use-cases to a more detailed technical description of screens for the different activities, and to the data-model underneath. Compared to version 1.0 chapters4 and 5 contains the result of a review of version 1.0 in the course of June 2012. Additionally, these chapters contain further improvements, following from the preparation and execution of three actual implementation stages between September 2012 and May 2013. Continuous further improvement during future stages is part of the development strategy.

Datum rapport
1 mei 2013
Brinkman, R., Kamp, R., Visschedijk, M.
M. Visschedijk, R. Kamp, R. Brinkman ; Deltares
128 p.
With ref.
Final version 1.1
Reportnr. 1207804-001-DSC-0002
By order of [Rijkswaterstaat, Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving] (RWS, WVL)