Simulating coastal morphodynamics with Delft3d
Th general research objective is to improve the capability of Delft3D to predict the morphodynamic impact of a shoreface nourishment on a temporal scale of years. More specifically, it will address the following research questions:
1 How can Delft3D be adjusted to avoide the unlimited growth of rip-like instabilities?
2 Will the adjustments allow to run morphodynamic simulations for long time periods (time scale of years).
3 What is the morphodynamic impact of a shoreface nourishment after one year according to the standard and adjusted Delft3D modelling system, and how well does this qualitatively compare to field observations?
These research questions will be addressed by computations with a 3D model of a schematized Egmond case, similar to those used in Walstra et al (2004, 2008). The model set-up is described in Chapter 2. Besides the description of the standard Delft3D model, a number of modifications to the code are proposed, which would possible improve the results shown by previous studies. In Chapter 3 the sensitivity of the standard and modified Delft3D versions of the code to the angle of wave attack are tested. These tests aim to identify the wave conditions which possibly lead to limitation in the morphodynamic computation. The two versions of the code are then applied in order to carry out a morphodynamic simulation for one specific nourishment scenario (Chapter 4). The overall conclusions and recommendations for further research are presented in Chapter 5.