Kustlijnzorg Project : ECORS Truc Vert 2008

A large multi-institutional international field experiment (ECORS Truc Vert'08) was conducted in Feb-April 2008 on the southern part of the French Atlantic coastline. More than 120 scientists, students and technicians participated to this effort. In the framework of the French national Program RELIEFS, supported by the French Navy (SHOM), a 3-years project MODLIT (Modélisation numérique et physique de l'évolution morphodynamique des littoraux sableux) has been accepted. Unesco-IHE and Deltares have proposed to set-up and validate numerical models XBeach and Delft3D, using experimental data of the field campaign Truc Vert 2008. Therefore, this project will enable us (i) to expand the applicability of Delft3D and XBeach, by validating the models using the extensive Truc Vert dataset, (II) to evaluate the relative influence of the underlying numerics and physics, and (III) to increase the knowledge of three-dimensional bar dynamics.
Within the Kustlijnzorg Project, we will especially benefit from: the involvement in field measurement campaigns & contacts generated with international partners; the gathering of an objective testbed for Delft3D and Xbeach; the improvement of the underlying numerics and physics, thereby increasing the confidence in the model results, eg. through a detailed calibration/validation of the hydrodynamic model, especially in the in the surf and swash zones (combination of the roller model and the TR2004 roughness predictor for Delft3D); the improvement of knowledge on the cyclic reappearance of coastal bars & on swash zone processes; later, the application of improved and validated models for the Dutch Coast

Datum rapport
1 december 2008
Brière, C.
C. Brière ; Deltares
15 p.
Report: Z4582
With ref.
Prepared for RWS, WD