International Handbook on Emergency Management for Flood Defences

Until now, there has been no single resource that comprehensively addresses emergency management for flood defences, presenting both underlying principles and best practices. Recognizing this gap, Rijkswaterstaat (The Netherlands), the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USA), the Environment Agency (England), and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Tourism (Japan) took the initiative to develop this handbook.

Over the past 2.5 years, more than 20 organisations and 70 professionals from over 20 countries have collaborated on this handbook. It delves into governance aspects, the details of processes and activities related to emergency management, knowledge sharing and collaboration, and the justification for funding necessary capacities and competencies.

Datum rapport
1 december 2024
Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) and Japan Bosai Platform (JBP)
Rijkswaterstaat (The Netherlands), USACE (USA), Environment Agency (England) and MLIT (Japan) are the lead partners of the handbook. All partners also provided input through various authors and reviewers. All other participating organisations or independent professionals have provided input free of charge.  
Rijkswaterstaat provided the overall project management and funded the project coordination and support. USACE funded the graphic design of all illustrations in the handbook. The Environment Agency funded the lead editor. Finally MLIT arranged and managed the publishing. 
The initial scoping report (February 2022) was sponsored by Interreg 2 Seas Mers Zeeën Polder 2Cs project.