Data Analysis Holwerd-Ferwerd periode juli 2023 - juni 2023 - Memo

Analysis of monitoring data at Holwerd-Dantziggat.
Within the SITO project ‘WVH 07 2023 - Kennis voor Beheer en Onderhoud Waddenzee (BenO Waddenzee)’, a sub-project on data analysis Holwerd-Ferwerd has been defined. At both locations, frames have been placed to measure turbidity and related parameters for a long period (up to 3 years) and at a high frequency (every 10 minutes).
The rationale for these measurements is to better understand the fine sediment dynamics at these locations and to possibly identify human impacts on turbidity, such as by dredging and ferry crossings. These impacts may be significant near Holwerd, whereas the Dantziggat (located near Ferwerd) has been chosen as a reference location without nearby dredging or ferry activities. Also, Ferwerd is a potential new location for the ferry crossing to Ameland. These measurements also support further validation of the existing 3D model on fine sediment dynamics in the Wadden Sea. An in-depth discussion on the rationale for these measurements is given by Vroom et al. (2020a).

Datum rapport
20 december 2023
Commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat (RWS)