The Macrobenthic Fauna in the Dutch Sector of the North Sea in 2008 and a comparison with previous data

For the period 2006-2008, the North Sea macrobenthic monitoring programme is organised in cooperation with Waterdienst (formerly: the National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management/RIKZ (Rijkswaterstaat), the North Sea Directorate (Rijkswaterstaat)) and a consortium of contracting companies constituted by Grontmij|AquaSense, Ecosub and Wageningen Imares (formerly: TNO-IMARES).
This report presents the results of the macrobenthos survey on the Dutch Continental Shelf (DCS), carried out in 2008.

Tempelman, D., Wal, J.T. van der, Moorsel, G. van, Kluijver, M. de, Lewis, W., Verduin, E., Vanagt, T.
Datum rapport
2 december 2009
Grontmij | AquaSense ; Ecosub ; TNO-Imares
RWS rapportnummer BM 09.32 ; Grontmij l AquaSense report 202462-3