Preventing marine litter from aquaculture

Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food-producing sectors worldwide. Unfortunately, aquaculture practices in coastal areas or at sea may have a negative impact on the marine environment.
The present study strives to provide an overview of available knowledge on marine litter from aquaculture in the Netherlands, including sources, practices, permit requirements and to identify possible solutions, recommendations and knowledge gaps. The study will support the development and promotion of best practices in relation to marine litter. Furthermore, advices to facilitate permitting and enforcement will be presented. The outcome of this study will be shared within the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR) as part of the preparation for the new Regional Action Plan for Marine Litter (RAP ML).

Datum rapport
1 april 2022
Kuin, E., Oosterbaan, L., Wenneker, B.
Rijkswaterstaat Zee en Delta (RWS ZD)