Uncertainty in traffic forecasts : literature review and new results for the Netherlands

Twe objectives of this project are: -to develop a methodology to estimate the amount of uncertainty in forecasting for new infrastructure; and -to implement and test this methodology in two case-studies (using the Dutch National Model System LMS and the New Regional Models NRM respectively). In chapter 2 the main outcomes of two literature reviews on quantifying the amount of uncertainty in forecasting with transport models are presented.

Datum rapport
1 maart 2005
Baak, J., Daly, A., Graafland, I., Jong, G. de, Kroes, E., Lierens, A., Miller, S., Pieters, M., Plasmeijer, R., Walker, W.
G. de Jong, M. Pieters, S. Miller, A. Daly, R. Plasmeijer, I. Graafland, A. Lierens, J. Baak, W. Walker, E. Kroes; RAND Europe
Rand Europe.
169 p.
With ref.
With sum.
Prepared for: AVV Transport Research Centre (RWS, AVV)
Projectleider AVV: Prof.dr. A.I.J.M. van der Hoorn