Towards implementation of the BAS within Rijkswaterstaat

A project was accepted in the National User Support Programme Earth Observation (Nationaal Programma Gebruikersondersteuning Aardobservatie, GO) to improve the BAS software and production chain to a level required for an operational service and to check this by an external audit. In order to be able to formulate the audit requirements and to establish the requirements on the BAS service, Rijkswaterstaat established its user requirements on a bathymetric service. ARGOSS established a definition of the service, with the requirements in mind. It also established a functional description and quality assurance system and improved the production process. The definition of the BAS service and the user requirements are combined into the audit requirements: a list of items that will be checked during the final audit, providing a clear set of references. The project concludes with this final audit by independent consultants.

Datum rapport
30 oktober 2006
Groenewoud, P., Hendriks, L.F.G.M., Lee, W.T.B. van der, Nass, N., Swart, L.M.T., Vogelzang, J., Wensink, G.J.
Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat (RWS, AGI); ARGOSS, Aerovision, IBAS ICT, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RWS, RIKZ); L.M.Th. Swart, J. Vogelzang, G.J. Wensink, P. Groenewo...
Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Geo-Informatie en ICT.
132 p.
Met een Nederl. samenv.
NIVR projectnr. 53409AGI / 2.1 IB-31
ARGOSS projectnr. A385