An airport island in the Dutch sector of the North Sea : effects on marine mammals

Within the study on the ecological and morphological effects of the construction of an artificial island in the North Sea this report focuses on the effects and consequenses for marine mammals. First of all, the present situation of marine mammals in the southern part of the North Sea is skeched, as well as their expected autonomous development in this area. Secondly, an analysis is made of the impact on marine mammals of the predicted changes in the physical and biotic environment following the construction of an airport island. There is a considerable lack of knowlegde essential for a prediction of the impact of the construction and the presence of an airport island. The relation between marine mammal distribution and abiotic and biotic parameters shoud be studied in more detail and also more insight is needed into habitat use and requirements of marine mammals.

Datum rapport
1 januari 2001
Haterd, R.J.W. van de, Moorsel, G.W.N.M. van, Witte, R.N.
R.N. Witte, G.W.N.M. van Moorsel, R.J.W. van de Haterd...[et al.]; Bureau Waardenburg, Alkyon Hydraulic Consultancy& Research
Bureau Waardenburg.
109 p. 
report nr. 01-086
Parcel 6: Birds and marine mammals
By order of Programmabureau Flyland, project marine ecology and morphology
Digital document (5,63 Mb) 
With ref.
With appendix