Bats and road construction

Brochure about bats and the ways in which practical measures can be taken to observe the legal duty of care for bats in planning, constructing, reconstructing and managing roads. Bats are protected by law according to the European Habitats Directive, which all European countries are required to implement in their domestic legislation. Additionally, under the European Habitat Directive, a coherent network of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) must be set up for a number of European bat species. This brochure is aimed at planners, designers and managers of roads. It proides a summary of the European bats, indicates their status in directives and agreements and makes clear how they use both landscape and habitat. Methods to be employed in surveying bats and the periods in which these can be used are elucidated.

Datum rapport
1 juli 2005
Limpens, H.J.G.A., Twisk, P., Veenbaas, G.
Association for the Study and Conservation of Mammals = Vereniging voor Zoogdierkunde en Zoogdierbescherming (VZZ), Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management , Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute = Ministerie van Verkeer en Waters...
24 p.
Publicationnr. DWW-2005-033