Morphological and local hydraulic impacts of airport island alternatives

Deals with the local hydraulic and morphological impacts of airport islands. The local hydraulic effects were studied using various very fine grid models. The results were compared with the Holland Coastal Zone (HCZ) model developed in the previous morphological study, and differences were found to be acceptable. These results are presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 describes the morphological simulations that were carried out. A comparison was made between Bijker and Soulsby-van Rijn formulations and the latter was chosen. One run spanning 50 years was made for the base case and runs over a period of 20 years for the autonomous situation and all variants. In Chapter 4, conclusions and recommendations are given.

Datum rapport
1 januari 2001
Roelvink, J.A., Sokolewicz, M., Vries, M. de
J.A. Roelvink, M. Sokolewicz, M. de Vries...[et al.]; WL Delft Hydraulics, DHV Milieu en Infrastructuur
30 p. [150 p.] 
bijl., ill.
Parcel 2, subproduct 5
By order of Programmabureau Flyland, project Kust- en Zeestudies ONL, Mariene Ecologie en Morfologie
The MARE project groups consist of the following members: DHV Milieu en Infrastructuur ; WL Delft Hydraulics, Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ) ; Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek (RIVO-DLO) ; ALTERRA ; TNO 
With ref.