Description & model representation of an artificial island & effects on transport and ecology

Gives a brief overview of the various island variants and model scenarios that have been simulated in the different model set-ups. Describes the general model set-ups for the tracer and salinity model, the sediment model and the transport and ecology model. Discusses the results from the OBL-Frac model simulations in terms of the current situation, the autonomous situation and the island variants. The methodology that is used is discussed in terms of its uncertainties and a short comparison is made to results from previous studies. Finally conclusions derived from the modelling results and recommendations for phase 2 of this project are given.

Datum rapport
1 januari 2001
Boon, J., Los, H., Wijsman, J.
Hans Los, Johan Boon, Jeroen Wijsman...[et al.]; WL Delft Hydraulics
79 p. 
2 dl. tab.
Seperate appendix
Parcel 3, subproduct 4
By order of Programmabureau Flyland, project Kust- en Zeestudies ONL, mariene Ecologie en Morfologie
The MARE project groups consist of the following members: DHV Milieu en Infrastructuur ; WL Delft Hydraulics, Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ) ; Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek (RIVO-DLO) ; ALTERRA ; TNO
With ref.