The Value of Reliability in Transport : provisional values for the Netherlands based on expert opinion

In the Netherlands major infrastructure projects are subject to cost-benefit analysis a standardised framework, the OEI-framework. Within this system a large number of characteristics of new projects are included, such as travel time benefits. Currently there is no opportunity to include improvements of travel time reliability in this cost-benefit analysis. This is perceived as a considerable draw back as in the winder of context of the ?Nota Mobiliteit?, which sets out the agenda for the coming 10-20 years, many projects in the near future will focus mainly on improving the reliability of transport. The Transport Research Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Transport (AVV) commissioned RAND Europe to perform a literature view to establish whether there were evidence based values for reliability that could be used in the OEI-framework. Such values are not readily available. Therefore, AVV subsequently commissioned RAND Europe to organise a meeting with national and international experts to establish a range of provisional values to use in the OEI-framework for evaluation. This report contains the findings of this meeting.

Datum rapport
30 juni 2005
Hamer, R., Jong, G. de, Kroes, E., Warffemius, P.
Rand Europe, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer (RWS, AVV); R. Hamer, G. de Jong, E. Kroes, P. Warffemius
60 p.
Pp., ill.
With ref.
With sum.
Version: final version