Design of coastal protection structures

The increased demand on reliable design methods for protective structures has resulted in the Netherlands in preparing a set of design guidelines for coastal structures and specifically for revetments of the sea- and riverdikes, and for bank protection. These guidelines are intended for technicians and organizations directly involved in the design and management of protective structures. In this report a brief review on general design philosphy, different hydraulic and geotechnical aspects and design criteria for dikes and various types of revetments is given. The stability criteria based on small and large scale tests are formulated for the following systems: rip-rap, concrete units, asphalt and grass-mats. Developments for some other coastal protection systems are also briefly mentioned.

Datum rapport
1 februari 1989
K.W. Pilarczyk; Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management = Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division = Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde (RWS, DWW)
58 p. [+ app.]
App., fig.
With ref.
Part 5 of Short course on design of coastal structures, organized by the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in cooperation with Delft Hydraulics, Delft University of Technology, Fugro / Mc. Clelland b.v., Rotterdam Public Works Department and Rijkswaterstaat Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division. January-February 1989