Stability of rubble mound slopes under random wave attack

The objective of the present research project is to give new practical design formulae for rubble mound slopes under random wave attack . The study is based upon a series of model tests. More than two hundred tests have been performed in order to vary systematically all the relevant variables . The main shortcomings i n Hudson-type formulae have been solved as a result of the present series of investigations. Stability formulae are given which include t he influence of wave period, number of waves, armour grading, spectrum shape, groupiness of waves and the permeability of the core.

Datum rapport
1 december 1984
J.W. van der Meer; K.W. Pilarczyk; Waterloopkundig Laboratorium
Waterloopkundig Laboratorium.
17 blz.
With refs
(Publication Waterloopkundig Laboratorium ; no. 332)