Road illumination and nature III : local influence of road lights on a black-tailed godwit (Limosa I. limosa) population

Presents the result of a research project concerning the effects of road illumination on a local breeding population of black-tailed godwit (Limosa I. limosa). This species was chosen because of its relevance for nature policy and as a guide species for meadow birds in general. The previously conducted literature study revealed that the influence of artificial illumination on, for instance, birds is far-reaching. Illumination has an effect on annual processes such as reproduction, migration and moulting, it influences the distribution of daily activities, and it causes attraction and repulsion. As a consequence, illumination may deregulate processes and behaviour, and therefore possibly endanger the adjustment to environmental conditions. The conclusions concerning the risks that this may cause to the annual activities are, for the most part, based on a laboratory experiments. The significance for the results of field experiments concerning daily activities and spatial behaviour are more concrete. Both aspects have been investigated using a local breeding population of black-tailed godwit in the reproduction period. This research indicates that the influence of road illumination on the black-tailed godwit and, speaking in more general terms, on meadow birds, can be reduced by avoiding the exposure of breeding areas to illumination.

Datum rapport
1 januari 2000
Jonkers, D.A., Molenaar, J.G., Sanders, M.E.
J.G. Molenaar, D.A. Jonkers, M.E. Sanders; Alterra, Green World Research
88 p.
ill., ann.
(DWW Ontsnipperingsreeks ; deel 38A)
Report nr. P-DWW-2000-058
With ref.
Research commissioned by Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General of Public Works and Water Management, Road and Hydrologic Engineering Division (RWS, DWW); project leader: J.G. de Vries
ISBN 9036937671