Geocontainers - analyse resultaten Brutusbakproeven : versie 2

This report describes the analysis of small-scale model tests performed to study the mechanisms that are of importance during dumping of geocontainers and the stablity of dumped containers on a slope. Measured pore pressure and a total pressure are compared with video images. Furthermore the results are compared with theory. The model tests show that a large part of the kinetic energy is absorbed by friction between the grains due to dilatancy during impact. This reduces the loading on the geotextile. Scale effects hampered to study the influence of air in the geotextile for the prototype situation. It was possible to link the fall velocity measured from the video with the velocity determined from the instruments.

Datum rapport
1 november 2001
Bezuijen, A., Groot, M.B. de
M.B. de Groot; A. Bezuijen; Delft Cluster; GeoDelft (GD)
Delft Cluster.
54 p.
Rapportnr. Delft Cluster CO-730201/15
Projectnaam: Grootschalige zandlichamen
In opdracht van: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat Bouwdienst (RWS, BD), Waterbouw Innovatie Steunpunt (WIS)