Beached bird surveys in The Netherlands, autumn 2021 & winter 2021/22
This is the annual report on beached bird survey (BBS) combining results obtained in The Netherlands during autumn 2021 (Aug-Oct) and the winter 2021/22. This was a more turbulent season, with a mass stranding of harbour porpoises in August 2021, and seabird wrecks in autumn 2021 and in winter 2021/22. The significant declines in (winter) oil rates that were reported in recent decades, especially since 2005, continued and only very few oiled auks found in winter 2021/22. The sample size for Common Guillemots was much larger than most years before, more than sufficient for the OSPAR subregions covered in this study that are bordering the North Sea, and also sufficient for the interior Wadden Sea.