Breaching of dunes : preliminary quantification of related mechanism and assessment of the probability of occurrence

In order to yield an expression for the probability of breaching, in this desk study the mechanism that play a role in the initiation of breaching of dunes are described and preliminary quantified. In addition a pragmatic description for the assessment of the combined probability of breaching is elaborated. From this it was concluded that although the transition between negligible probability and assured failure is relatively gradual, the present approach using the so-called?grensprofiel? seems adequate.

Datum rapport
1 april 1998
Steetzel, H.J.
H.J. Steetzel; Alkyon Hydraulic Consultancy& Research
final report
26 p. 4 bijl., 20 fig., 3 tab.
Reportnr. Alkyon A158R1
Assigned by: Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division, Technical Advisory Committee on Water Defences (TAW) = Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde (RWS, DWW), Technische Adviescommissie Waterkeringen (TAW)
DWW-project TAWC-doorbraak
Projectnr. 3100/0310