Description and model representation T0 situation : part 1 : the transport of fine-grained sediments in the southern North Sea

Product 2 within research area 3 consists of two separately written reports and a separate volume with figures. The area studies are : the investigation of the current available data and state-of-the-art knowlegde by means of a literature review and workshop; the development of a numerical model with currently available modelling techniques to produce a representative picture of the long-term annually averaged suspended matter patterns in the southern North Sea for the present and autonomous situation, to be used as input for an ecological model. Recommendations to improve this model, including a physically sound description of suspended particulate matter (SMP) variability based on literature review and analysis of model sensitivity computations are also given.

Datum rapport
1 januari 2001
Boon, J., Los, H., Winterwerp, H.
Johan Boon, Han Winterwerp, Hans Los; WL Delft Hydraulics
58 p. [110 p.] 
bijl., ill.
Parcel 3, subproduct 2
By order of Programmabureau Flyland, project Kust- en Zeestudies ONL, mariene Ecologie en Morfologie
The MARE project groups consist of the following members: DHV Milieu en Infrastructuur ; WL Delft Hydraulics, Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ) ; Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek (RIVO-DLO) ; ALTERRA ; TNO
With ref.