A long-term morphological model for the whole Dutch Coast

Part I: Model formulation Part II: Application of the model Large-scale management and maintenance of the Dutch North Sea coast requires insight into the flows of sediment at a national scale with a matching time scale, including the effects off tidal basins. The conceptual model of the Dutch coast proposed by Mulder (2000) divides the Dutch North Sea coast into nine largely independent subsystems, each containing a certain volume of sand. To preserve the long-term resilience of the Dutch coast, the policy decision was made to maintain the total volume of sediment in these subsystems by nourishment. Expected annual nourishment needs per subsystem were estimated. To further substantiate these estimates and the effect of different distributions of the nourishment material in space and time, a long-term morphological model of the Dutch coast is needed.

Datum rapport
1 januari 2004
Steetzel, H.J., Wang, Z.B.
H.J. Steetzel, Z.B. Wang; WL|Delft Hydraulics
WL|Delft Hydraulics.
2 dl.
fig., tab.
Prepared for Ministry of Transport and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat, National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management