Rainfall generator for the Meuse basin : simulation of 6-hourly rainfall and temperature for the Ourthe catchment

This report presents a first study on the development of a stochastic weather generator for the Meuse basin which produces long-duration, multi-site time series of precipitation and temperature. By running these synthetic data through a hydrological/hydraulic model, it is expected to get a better insight into the likelihood of extreme river discharges in the Netherlands. This report is restricted to the Ourthe basin (3626 km

Datum rapport
1 januari 2001
Buishand, T.A., Wójcik, R.
Rafal Wójcik, T. Adri Buishand; Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI).
30 p.
fig., tab. ; 30 cm
(KNMI publication ; 196-I)
With ref.
Work performed under contract RI-2726 and RI-3414 to Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment RIZA
ISBN 9036921988