Design of revetments

The use of revetments, such as riprap, blocks and block mats, various mattresses, and asphalt in civil engineering practice is very common. The granular filters, and more recently the geotextiles, are more or less standard components of the revetment structure. Within the scope of the research on the stability of open slope revetments, much knowledge has been developed about the stability of placed (pitched) stone revetments under wave load and stability of rock under wave and current load. Until recently, no or unsatisfactory design tools were available for a number of other (open) types of revetment and for other stability aspects. This is why the design methodology for placed block revetments has recently been extended in applicability by means of a number of desk-studies for other (open) revetments: interlock systems and block mats; gabions; concrete mattresses; geosystems, such as sandbags and sand sausages; and other stability aspects, such as: flow-load stability, soil-mechanical stability and residual strength.various designs), thus reducing the hydraulic load on the coast. Low crested and submerged structures (LCS) such as detached breakwaters and artificial reefs are becoming very common coastal protection measures (used alone or in combination with artificial sand nourishment). Their purpose is to reduce the hydraulic loading to a required level that maintains the dynamic equilibrium of the shoreline. To attain this goal, they are designed to allow the transmission of a certain amount of wave energy over the structure by overtopping and also some transmission through the porous structure (exposed breakwaters) or wave breaking and energy dissipation on shallow crest (submerged structures).

Datum rapport
1 januari 2001
Pilarczyk, K.W.
Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde (RWS, DWW); K.W. Pilarczyk
35 p.
With refs