Social cost-benefit analysis Iron Rhine: final report

Examines the social costs and benefits of the reactivation of the Iron Rhine rail connection.

Datum rapport
13 februari 2009
Breemersch, T., Chen, M., De Ceuster, G., Delhaye, E., Groen, T., Meijeren, J. van, Proost, S., Snelders, M., Vanherle, K.
E. Delhaye; G. De Ceuster; K. Vanherle; T. Breemersch; Transport & Mobility Leuven (TML); S. Proost; M. Chen; J. Van Meijeren; T. Groen; M. Snelders; TNO
Transport & Mobility Leuven (TML).
Commissioned by: Infrabel under the authority of: The Belgian Minister of Civil Service and Public Entreprise and the Dutch Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management.
European Commission Directorate General for Energy and Transport Decision CEC(2008)602 "Iron Rhine" - 2007-EU-24090-S
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