Uncertainty analysis of the hydraulic boundary conditions of the Wadden Sea

The objective of this study is to assess the level of accuracy of the HBC in the Wadden Sea Area. Furthermore, we wish to quantify the contributions of the SWAN model and other components to the overall uncertainty in HBC. The goals of this research can be summarized as follows: • To assess the total uncertainty of the HBC of the Wadden Sea using the presently used methods. • To quantify the contributions of the various sources of uncertainties to the total uncertainty. • To estimate the possible reduction in uncertainty by reducing or eliminating individual sources of uncertainty. • To make suggestions for future efforts to improve the accuracy of the HBC.

Datum rapport
8 november 2008
Beckers, J., Geer, P. van
J. Beckers, P. van Geer ; Deltares
52 p.
bijl., ill.
With ref.
Project H4918.32
In order to Rijkswaterstaat, Waterdienst (RWS, WD)