OSPAR Eutrophication Modelling Workshop 2007 : application of the Southern North Sea GEM

The OSPAR convention comprises an international agreement on the protection of the North-East Atlantic. In the past, various workshops have been organized on behalf of OSPAR in which the combat of eutrophicatuion of the North-Sea and Channel region has been discussed and measures have been proposed. This report describes the preparation of the southern North Sea Generic Ecological Model (ZUNO-GEM) in order to participate in the 2007 workshop. Also, the validation for the baseline case and evaluation of the nutrient reduction scenarios are discussed.

Datum rapport
1 november 2007
Blaas, M., Desmit, X., Los, H.
M. Blaas, X. Desmit, H. Los; WL|Delft Hydraulics
WL/Delft Hydraulics.
Prepared for Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat, Centre for Water Management = Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Waterdienst (RWS, WD)
118 p.
Fig., tab.
With ref.