Analysis and modelling of shoreface nourishments

Shoreface nourishments are regularly carried out at many beaches along the coast of The Netherlands with the aim to maintain the sand budget in the nearshore zone at a predefined volume and the supply of sand to the beaches in the lee of the nourishments. This study is focussed on the evaluation of these types of nourishments with regard to both the physical characteritics and the performance of modelling approaches. Three shoreface nourishment in The Netherlands are studied in more detail: ? Terschelling nourishment project, ? Egmond nourishment project, ? Delfland nourishment project. These projects have been selected because they represent typical examples of the varying hydrodynamic and morphodynamic conditions in The Netherlands. The Terschelling nourishment case concerns a shoreface nourishment along a barrier island coast (in the Dutch Wadden Sea ) with a pronounced three bar system and a dominant net longshore drift to the east. The Egmond case is situated along the straight northern Holland coast with a two bar system and a relatively small net longshore drift. The Delfland case is located along the straight southern Holland coast (close to the access channel to the Port of Rotterdam) without major breakers bars and a relatively small net longshore drift.

Datum rapport
1 augustus 2004
Rijn, L.C. van, Walstra, D.J.R.
L.C. van Rijn, D.J.R. Walstra; WL|Delft Hydraulics
WL|Delft Hydraulics.
72 p. 
By order of Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management = Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management = Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RWS, RIKZ)
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