Milestone 7 – Completion of validation of specifications

Datum rapport
19 augustus 2019
Acunzo, L., Chorlton, C., Dubois, P., Esposito, M.C., Fouchal, H., Foulquié, A., Hecke, L. van, Hofmann, P., Lewyllie, P., Limon, T., Maerivoet, S., Mann, J., Melsen, A., Netten, B., Perpey, A., Sambeek, M. van, Schmitting, P., Silvester, R., Vlassenroot, S., Wedemeijer, H.
InterCor Consortium. Research done by Highways England - WSP/ UK DfT, MTES, URCA, MapTM / NMIER, FDMPW, Capita / UK DfT, I-Trans, TNO/NMIER, NeoGLS, ERTICO and TfL/ UK DfT, Problem Solving / FDMPW. Research commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat. The projec...
Grant Agreement No: INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2015/1143833 Action No: 2015-EU-TM-0159-S