Hydra-Ring 1.2 : probabilistics toolbox for the WTI2017 : scientific document

Datum, auteurs
17-2-2016 Ferdinand Diermanse, Wim van Balen

Hydra-Ring is het probabilistische rekenhart van Ringtoets, het instrument voor de beoordeling van primaire waterkeringen in Nederland geldig vanaf 1/1/2017. Dit document geeft de wetenschappelijke onderbouwing van de gebruikte methode in Hydra-Ring.
Dit document is de laatste jaarlijkse update van een rapport uit 2013 Hydra-Ring Scientific Documentation, Deltares & TNO-Bouw. Deltares rapport 1206006-004. Auteur Ferdinand Diermanse Kathryn Roscoe Juliana Lopez de la Cruz Henri Steenbergen
Ton Vrouwenvelder. Dit document is in de loop der jaren aangepast/aangevuld door Wim van Balen. Rijkswaterstaat, Robert Slomp is de opdrachtgever voor dit document en de software Hydra-Ring en Ringtoets. Diverse reviews op dit document zijn uitgevoerd door Robert Slomp en Marcel Bottema (Rijkswaterstaat) en Chris Geerse (HKV lijn in Water).

This document describes the scientific background of Hydra-Ring, a probabilistic model used for the computation of failure probabilities for interconnected systems of flood defences. It includes background on the probabilistic techniques, the way in which the statistics and correlations of the hydraulic load and strength variables are handled, and the built-in failure mechanism models. The current version of this document is largely intended for developers and programmers in the development phases of Hydra-Ring. The most relevant topics in the scientific documentation are the probabilistic techniques, including techniques for combining failure probabilities, the correlation models which are used
to describe the interdependence of load variables, the statistical distributions which are used to describe the load and strength variables, and the description of hydraulic load models. Moreover, backgrounds are provided regarding the failure mechanisms and the way how the Hydra-Ring executable can be run from the commandline.
Hydra-Ring is run by using the program Ringtoets. Over time the PC-ring code (a program for research purposes) has been removed and replaced.

Datum rapport
17 februari 2016
Balen, W. van, Diermanse, F.
Deltares. Report made by Deltares, and commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat, WVL, Helpdesk Water.
Classification 1220079-002-DSC-0031