Rainfall generator for the Rhine basin : description of simulations using gridded precipitation datasets and uncertainty analysis

<p align="left"> The rainfall generator has been used to generate long synthetic series of daily precipitation and temperature for the Rhine basin [see e.g. W&oacute;jcik et al. (2000), Buishand and Brandsma (2001), and Beersma (2002)] using the nearest-neighbour resampling (NNR) technique. These simulations were driven by daily precipitation and temperature data for the period 1961 – 1995 from 34 stations across the Rhine basin. For hydrological applications, the simulated point precipitation and temperature data were converted to representative values of 134 HBV1 sub-basins, using a dataset which is nowadays known as CHR-OBS data [see Görgen et al. (2010)]. Recently, two additional gridded datasets (HYRAS and E-OBS) have become available. These two datasets fulfil the need for extended temperature and precipitation record lengths. </p>

Datum rapport
1 januari 2014
Schmeits, M.J.
M.J. Schmeits ...(etc.); Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
34 p.
Fig., tab.
(KNMI publication ; 186 - VII)
With ref.
Work performed under commission of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment: Rijkswaterstaat Water, Transport and Environment (RWS WVL).