Options for dynamic coastal management. a guide for managers

<p>The document you are reading is the result of the first action point: the drafting of a guide for dynamic coastal management. This document is not a blueprint for dynamic coastal management. It does supply clear definitions (see chapter 2) and provides a sketch of the reasons and transparent 'options' for dynamic coastal management. It is of course up to managers to elaborate these things in consultation with other stakeholders at the regional level in a management plan. This guide provides a 'phased plan' that managers can use during that process: &bull; What type of coast is involved and what are the boundary conditions in terms of protection, other interests and the sand budget? (see Chapter 3), &bull; What types of dynamics can be applied in different types of coast, what are the consequences and what measures can be taken? (Chapter 4), and &bull; What are the issues for implementation and planning? (Chapter 5). This guide is based on vision documents, reports and studies addressing dynamic coastal management (see References). However, the definitions used often differ; this guide makes a selection of definitions (Chapter 2).</p>

Datum rapport
1 mei 2013
Gelder-Maas, C. van, Löffler, M., Spek, A.J.F. van der
M. Loffler, A.J.F. van der Spek, C. van Gelder-Maas ; Deltares, Bureau Landwijzer, Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Water Management
35 p.
Rapport 1207724-000-ZKS-0011
Versie 2
Met lit.opg.
In opdracht van Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Rijkswaterstaat Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving (RWS, WVL)