Restoration of fish nursery functions - Bergambacht: Biohut ecological report – 2023

Rijkswaterstaat is the initiator of the installation of Biohut in several locations in the Netherlands such as Rotterdam, Lelystad, Lobith or Hagesteijn. At first, Rijkswaterstaat had contracted local operators to do the monitoring of the Biohut, but not all the sites have been monitored by the contractor. However, they have allowed to document the presence of juvenile fish such as eels, roaches, or perches. In October 2022, Rijkswaterstaat organized the installation of 14 new Biohut habitats under a brand-new floating pontoon in Bergambacht, on the Lek River.

Datum rapport
4 september 2023
In opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat, Programma’s Projecten en Onderhoud (RWS, PPO)