Workpackage 3: Development of alternative overtopping-resistant sea defences. Phase 3: design, construction, calibration and use of the wave overtopping simulator : final report

<span><span>ComCoast is the abbreviation of “Combined functions in Coastal defence zones”. ComCoast is one of the European projects of the North Sea Region Programme (Interreg IIIb). Ten organizations from Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium and the United Kingdom are working together to come up with an alternative to the present solution, which is the ubiquitous and continuous heightening of dams. The project runs from June 2004 through December 2007. The total project costs are 5.8 million euros, of which the EU will be contributing 50%, the remainder to be covered by the partners. The cause: Sea levels are rising at a faster rate than was believed in the past. Concurrently, land areas are falling and in various places salinization is becoming problematic, and all of this while we continue to find increasing ways in which to use our coastal areas. Although dikes have been the traditional weapon against floods for centuries, they might not always offer a long-term solution. ComCoast is looking for a more gradual transition from sea to land, in which safety is not be looked at separately from ways in which natural processes and the problem of the usage of space might be integrated. One might say that we are looking for a broader approach to turning the tides. SafetyComCoast stands for a revaluation of the concept of safety. Traditionally, safety has been regarded as something dry. Might it not also however be possible to stay safe while getting more water in the area? Dikes are usually built as high grassy barriers. Hardly allowing any wave overtopping. How about building dikes a little lower but stron&shy;ger and more breach free? While the inland area has been designed and adapted to deal with more water. ComCoast is researching several such more innovative ways of dealing with our usage of space and abundance of water. </span><span></span></span> <p align="left"> </p>

Datum rapport
1 december 2007
Hamer, F., Meer, J.W. van der
F. Hamer (project leader) ; J.W. van der Meer ; ; Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde (RWS, DWW) ; Infram ; Royal Haskoning
115 p.
Project ComCoast
EU-Interreg IIIb North Sea Programme